Goodman’s sustainability strategy shapes our global business. It’s embedded in our operations to strengthen our business and enhance our social value, while reducing our environmental impact.
Our 2030 Sustainability Strategy is helping to shift our business into a resilient and low-carbon company. We’re focusing on the areas where we have the greatest control and potential impact, and where we can collaborate with our stakeholders for combined influence. By developing and managing a global portfolio of modern, high-quality and efficient industrial properties and places, we will continue to use our influence to make a meaningful difference to our people, customers, investors, community, and our planet.
Three pillars make up our 2030 Sustainability Strategy: sustainable properties and places; people, culture and community; and corporate governance and performance. We track, measure and report against specific ESG targets under each pillar which shape our ESG priorities. These include commitments to reducing carbon emissions, managing climate risk, improving safety and people’s health and wellbeing, contributing to community, strong governance and Board oversight, and maintaining ESG disclosures.
Through these ESG targets, Goodman contributes to nine of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).
Our high-quality and professionally managed properties and places are strategically located and designed to meet our customers’ business needs and remain adaptable to tomorrow’s global challenges. We collaborate with our stakeholders to provide properties that can accommodate greater automation and efficiency, and support the wellbeing of our customers.
Our people are recruited and rewarded based on their commitment to our values, their local expertise, performance, and long-term strategic and ethical thinking. Our workplaces support the health, safety and wellbeing of our people, contractors and customers. We engage with our supply chain to help us meet our sustainability goals and we make a positive difference to people’s lives through the Goodman Foundation.
Our capital structure remains agile and we regularly disclose our financial, community and environmental performance. We promote strong leadership and governance, with the Goodman Boards and the Sustainability and Innovation Committee overseeing how we implement our sustainability strategy and meet our targets – aspects that are built into our remuneration structure.
The UNSDGs are a call to action on 17 major global challenges such as climate change, poverty, gender equality, and the promotion of good health and wellbeing for all.
The three pillars of Goodman’s 2030 Sustainability Strategy, and our ESG targets, align with the nine UNSDGs most relevant to our operations. Our progress on our sustainability strategy contributes to addressing some of the world’s biggest challenges.